Style Strategies For Bad Days (Or Weeks)

Style Strategies For Bad Days (Or Weeks)

As much as I hate to admit it, I’ve not had a great week. Thankfully, these sort of weeks don’t come up for me too often.  I might have an off day here or there. But I rarely string together a bad week. However, things have refused to flow for me during the past...
12 tips to help you speak in public

12 tips to help you speak in public

Not that long ago, I spoke at a conference.  There were all the things you’d expect at this particular gathering: Darkened room. Master of ceremonies. Stage. A professional AV team.  The fact that I was presenting is not newsworthy. I’m regularly involved in events...
Making and breaking the rules

Making and breaking the rules

I met a woman recently who was very quick to tell me what kind of person she was. It had been a long time since I’d heard someone start her sentences with words like ‘I’m the sort of person that…’ and ‘My husband and I are people who…’ This warm and open...

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